Men, this is an unprecedented time in our lives. Let's not waste it... let's emerge stronger, more focused, and more faithful than ever before. 

If we're honest with ourselves, we all hit plateaus. We seem to keep struggling with the same things over and over....same sins, same arguments with our wives and kids, succumbing to the same fears. We all have things in our lives (our past, sins, obstacles) that are holding us back from our true potential. Let's take this moment in time to grow in virtue, and deal with the sins, hurts, and "invisible" enemies that are keeping us from being the men we know we can be. 


This is a 20-day series crafted to help you make serious change. You'll learn:

  • The keys to identifying and conquering your greatest fears.

  • The importance of self-knowledge as the foundation to any growth.

  • The "Triple Threat" we face as men, and how not to become a victim to this ancient foe.

  • Why your relationships with your (wife, girlfriend, kids) are only so deep, and how to take them to a level you never thought possible.

  • How to keep what's happened in the past from impacting your future potential.

  • And much more! 

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Brother (2) Pack
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20 Days of
Intense Focus

You'll dive deep into those areas that are holding you back, and emerge with a plan to conquer your Goliaths.

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A Fully
Digital Experience

Each day a powerful video and lesson will be delivered to you for you to watch on your phone or other device.

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Worldwide Brotherhood

Men from all around the world will be participating in this journey, working together and holding each other accountable.

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